Credit and insurance

Engage a broker to finance, secure, and optimize your projects...  

Amortizing loans, interest-only loans, customized loans - access a wide range of banking options with the guarantee of enjoying the best fixed or variable rates. Our advisors will accompany you through the process of assembling your applications, taking charge of finding the most attractive rates in the market, providing you with professionalism and peace of mind.

Assurance emprunteur,
rime avec tranquillité 

Loan insurance covers all or part of the repayment installments or the remaining outstanding capital of a loan in the event of certain events such as death, partial or total permanent disability, or total and irreversible loss of autonomy. You can discover the loan insurance that suits you best through loan insurance simulator.

Home Loan, to envision the future, today.

Since January 1, 2022, the conditions for obtaining a home loan have become stricter to limit over-indebtedness.
We put all the odds in your favor to secure a home loan and ensure access to the best offers and rates.

And that's just a glimpse of our expertise...

Since 2005, we have been assisting a wide range of profiles in benefiting from French tax advantages, achieving their goals, and navigating economic fluctuations or personal events.

That's why we work tirelessly to find the solutions you need to create, enhance, and maintain your wealth, across all time horizons.

You too, ​​​​benefit from expert advice and the strength of a professional network!


Le livret du Réméré

Rendez votre patrimoine liquide et solder vos dettes rapidement pour repartir l'esprit léger...


Dossier spécial étudiant

Les bases pour se constituer un patrimoine et des conseils venant d'autres étudiants !


Réaliser un portage immobilier

Vous souhaitez vous désolidariser d'un projet auquel vous ne croyez plus ? Le portage est la solution.


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